API Reference

Creating a New User

This document explains how to create a new user in our framework using the user registration endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The user registration endpoint is accessible at /register and expects a POST request with JSON data containing the user’s email and password.

POST /register

Payload Requirements

The request payload must be in JSON format and include the following fields: - email: The email address of the new user. - password: The password for the new user’s account.

Request Example

Here is an example of a JSON payload for creating a new user:

    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password": "securepassword123"

Error Handling

The endpoint performs several checks and may return error responses in the following scenarios:

  1. Missing JSON in Request: If the request does not contain JSON data, the response will be:

    {"msg": "Missing JSON in request"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Missing Email or Password: If the email or password field is missing from the JSON data:

    {"msg": "Missing email/password parameter"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  3. User Already Exists: If a user with the provided email already exists:

    {"msg": "User already exists"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

Success Response

Upon successful creation of a new user, the endpoint will return:

    "msg": "User created successfully",
    "email": "user@example.com"

Status Code: 200 OK


Creating a new user is a straightforward process that involves sending a POST request with the necessary credentials. Ensure that the email and password fields are provided in the JSON payload, and handle any error responses appropriately.

User Login

This section explains the process of user login in our system using the login endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The login endpoint is located at /auth/login and handles POST requests. It requires JSON data in the request body, including the user’s email and password.

POST /auth/login

Payload Requirements

The request payload must be in JSON format and contain the following fields:

  • email: The email address of the user attempting to log in.

  • password: The password of the user.

Request Example

Here is an example of a JSON payload for logging in a user:

    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password": "userpassword"

Error Handling

The endpoint performs various checks and may return error responses in the following cases:

  1. Missing JSON in Request: If the request body does not contain JSON data, the response will be:

    {"msg": "Missing JSON in request"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Missing Email or Password: If either the email or password field is missing in the JSON data:

    {"msg": "Missing email/password parameter"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  3. User Not Found: If no user is found with the provided email:

    {"msg": "User not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  4. Incorrect Password: If the password provided is incorrect:

    {"msg": "Incorrect password."}

    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Upon successful login, the endpoint will return an access token:

    "access_token": "<JWT_TOKEN>"

Status Code: 200 OK


Logging in a user requires a POST request with the user’s credentials in JSON format. Proper error handling is crucial for identifying common issues such as missing data, incorrect credentials, or user not found.

Updating User Settings

This section describes how to update user settings using the update user endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The update user endpoint is located at /user and handles PUT requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and JSON data containing the settings to be updated.

PUT /user

Payload Requirements

The request payload should be a JSON object with the following fields:

  • email: The new email address of the user. (Optional)

Request Example

Here is an example of a JSON payload to update a user’s email:

    "email": "newemail@example.com"

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in the following scenarios:

  1. User Not Found: If no user is found with the authenticated user ID:

    {"msg": "User not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

Success Response

Upon successful update of user settings, the endpoint will return:

{"msg": "User updated"}

Status Code: 200 OK


Updating user settings requires a PUT request with the necessary data in JSON format. The user must be authenticated, and the provided information will be used to update the user’s settings in the system.

Retrieving User Settings

This section explains how to retrieve the settings of a user using the get user endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The get user endpoint is accessible at /user and processes GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication.

GET /user

Request Example

Below is an example of a request to retrieve the settings of the authenticated user:

GET /user

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. User Not Found: If no user is found with the authenticated user ID:

    {"msg": "User not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

Success Response

Upon successful retrieval, the endpoint will return the settings of the user:

    "user": {
        "user_id": "user_id",
        "email": "email@example.com",

Status Code: 200 OK


Retrieving user settings involves sending a GET request. The user must be authenticated to access their own settings. The successful response includes the user’s settings in JSON format.

Chat Authorization

This section describes the process for authorizing a chat session using the chat authorization endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The chat authorization endpoint is located at /chat/authorize and handles GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and a chat_id query parameter.

GET /chat/authorize

Query Parameters

The endpoint expects the following query parameter:

  • chat_id: The unique identifier of the chat session to be authorized.

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to authorize a chat session:

GET /chat/authorize?chat_id=12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in various scenarios:

  1. Chat Not Found: If no chat is found with the specified chat_id:

    {"msg": "Chat not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the chat:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the chat"}

    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Upon successful authorization, the endpoint will return a connection string for the chat session:

    "connection_string": "generated_string",
    "created_at": "timestamp",
    "expires_at": "timestamp",
    "created_by": "user_id"

Status Code: 200 OK


Authorizing a chat session involves sending a GET request with a valid chat_id query parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized to access the specific chat session. The successful response includes a connection string with an expiration time.

Authorizing a Chat Message

This section describes how to obtain authorization for sending a message in a chat using the authorize chat message endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The authorize chat message endpoint is located at /chat/authorize/message and handles GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and a chat_id query parameter.

GET /chat/authorize/message

Query Parameters

The endpoint expects the following query parameter:

  • chat_id: The unique identifier of the chat session for which the message authorization is requested.

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to authorize a message in a chat:

GET /chat/authorize/message?chat_id=12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Chat Not Found: If no chat is found with the specified chat_id:

    {"msg": "Chat not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the chat:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the chat"}

    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Upon successful authorization, the endpoint will return a secret string for message authorization:

    "message_string": "generated_string",
    "created_at": "timestamp",
    "expires_at": "timestamp",
    "created_by": "user_id"

Status Code: 200 OK


Authorizing a message in a chat involves sending a GET request with the chat_id query parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the chat. The successful response includes a secret string with an expiration time, which must be passed when sending messages through SocketIO. “””

Creating a Chat

This section outlines the process for creating a new chat in a workspace using the create chat endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The create chat endpoint is found at /chat and accepts POST requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and a workspace_id query parameter.

POST /chat

Query Parameters

The endpoint requires the following query parameter:

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace in which the chat will be created.

Request Example

Below is an example of a request to create a chat in a specific workspace:

POST /chat?workspace_id=12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in several scenarios:

  1. Missing Workspace ID: If the workspace_id parameter is missing:

    {"msg": "Missing workspace id"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the provided ID:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  3. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the workspace:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the workspace"}

    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Upon successful creation of a chat, the endpoint will return details of the created chat and its associated workspace:

    "msg": "Chat created successfully",
    "chat": {
        "chat_id": "generated_chat_id",
        "workspace_id": "workspace_id",
        "created_by": "user_id",
    "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": "workspace_id",
        "owner": "user_id",

Status Code: 200 OK


Creating a chat requires a POST request with the necessary workspace_id query parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the workspace. The successful response includes detailed information about the newly created chat and its workspace.

Retrieving a Chat

This section explains how to retrieve details of a specific chat using the get chat endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The get chat endpoint is located at /chat and accepts GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and a chat_id query parameter.

GET /chat

Query Parameters

The endpoint expects the following query parameter:

  • chat_id: The unique identifier of the chat session to be retrieved.

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to retrieve a specific chat:

GET /chat?chat_id=12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in various scenarios:

  1. Chat Not Found: If no chat is found with the specified chat_id:

    {"msg": "Chat not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the chat:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the chat"}

    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Upon successful retrieval, the endpoint will return the details of the requested chat:

    "chat_id": "chat_id",
    "owner": "user_id",
    "workspace_id": "workspace_id",

Status Code: 200 OK


Retrieving a chat involves sending a GET request with a valid chat_id query parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized to access the specific chat session. The successful response includes detailed information about the chat.

Deleting a Chat

This section outlines the procedure for deleting a chat using the delete chat endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The delete chat endpoint is accessible at /chat and processes DELETE requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and a chat_id query parameter.

DELETE /chat

Query Parameters

The endpoint expects the following query parameter:

  • chat_id: The unique identifier of the chat session to be deleted.

Request Example

Below is an example of a request to delete a specific chat:

DELETE /chat?chat_id=12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Chat Not Found: If no chat is found with the provided chat_id:

    {"msg": "Chat not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized User: If the user attempting the deletion is not the owner of the chat:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the chat"}

    Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

  3. Deletion Error: If there is an issue while deleting the chat:

    {"msg": "Internal server error or specific error message"}

    Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Upon successful deletion of the chat, the endpoint will return:

{"msg": "Chat deleted successfully"}

Status Code: 200 OK


Deleting a chat involves sending a DELETE request with the necessary chat_id query parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the chat. The successful response confirms the deletion of the chat.

Creating a Workspace

This section outlines the process for creating a new workspace using the create workspace endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The create workspace endpoint is found at /workspace and accepts POST requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and, optionally, JSON data containing the desired workspace name.

POST /workspace

Payload Requirements

The request payload should be a JSON object with the following field:

  • name: The name of the workspace. If not provided, “Untitled Workspace” is used as the default name.

Request Example

Below is an example of a JSON payload to create a workspace with a specified name:

    "name": "My New Workspace"

Error Handling

Currently, this endpoint does not specify error responses for missing or invalid data. It defaults to creating a workspace with a generic name if none is provided.

Success Response

Upon successful creation of a workspace, the endpoint will return the details of the newly created workspace:

    "msg": "Workspace created",
    "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": "generated_workspace_id",
        "name": "My New Workspace",
        "owner": "user_id",


Status Code: 200 OK


Creating a workspace involves sending a POST request with an optional name field in the JSON payload. The user must be authenticated to create a workspace. The successful response includes information about the newly created workspace.

Retrieving User Workspaces

This section describes how to retrieve all workspaces associated with a user using the get workspaces endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The get workspaces endpoint is located at /workspace and processes GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication.

GET /workspace

Request Example

Below is an example of a request to retrieve all workspaces for the authenticated user:

GET /workspace

Success Response

Upon successful retrieval, the endpoint will return a list of workspaces associated with the user:

    "workspaces": [
            "workspace_id": "workspace_id",
            "name": "Workspace Name",
            "owner": "user_id",



Status Code: 200 OK


Retrieving user workspaces involves sending a GET request. The user must be authenticated to access their associated workspaces. The successful response includes a list of workspaces in JSON format.

Retrieving a Specific Workspace

This section covers the procedure for retrieving details of a specific workspace using the get workspace endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The get workspace endpoint is located at /workspace/<workspace_id> and handles GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and the workspace ID as a path parameter.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>

Path Parameters

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace to be retrieved.

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to retrieve a specific workspace:

GET /workspace/12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in the following scenarios:

  1. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the given workspace_id:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized Access: If the user does not have access to the workspace:

    {"msg": "User does not have access to the workspace"}

    Status Code: 403 Forbidden

Success Response

Upon successful retrieval, the endpoint will return the details of the workspace:

    "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": "workspace_id",
        "name": "Workspace Name",
        "owner": "user_id",


Status Code: 200 OK


Retrieving a specific workspace requires a GET request with the workspace ID as a path parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized to access the particular workspace. The successful response includes detailed information about the workspace.

Deleting a Workspace

This section describes the procedure for deleting a specific workspace using the delete workspace endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The delete workspace endpoint is accessible at /workspace/<workspace_id> and processes DELETE requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and the workspace ID as a path parameter.

DELETE /workspace/<workspace_id>

Path Parameters

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace to be deleted.

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to delete a specific workspace:

DELETE /workspace/12345

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the provided workspace_id:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized Access: If the user does not have access to the workspace:

    {"msg": "User does not have access to the workspace"}

    Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  3. Deletion Error: If there is an issue while deleting the workspace:

    {"msg": "Internal server error or specific error message"}

    Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Upon successful deletion of the workspace, the endpoint will return:

{"msg": "Workspace deleted"}

Status Code: 200 OK


Deleting a workspace involves sending a DELETE request with the workspace ID as a path parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the workspace. The successful response confirms the deletion of the workspace.

Retrieving Workspace Chats

This section explains how to retrieve all chats associated with a specific workspace using the get workspace chats endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The get workspace chats endpoint is located at /workspace/<workspace_id>/chats and handles GET requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication and the workspace ID as a path parameter.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/chats

Path Parameters

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace whose chats are to be retrieved.

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to retrieve all chats for a specific workspace:

GET /workspace/12345/chats

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the given workspace_id:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  2. Unauthorized Access: If the user does not have access to the workspace:

    {"msg": "User does not have access to the workspace"}

    Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  3. Retrieval Error: If there is an issue while retrieving the chats:

    {"msg": "Internal server error or specific error message"}

    Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Upon successful retrieval, the endpoint will return a list of all chats associated with the workspace:

    "chats": [
            "chat_id": "chat_id",
            "workspace_id": "workspace_id",



Status Code: 200 OK


Retrieving workspace chats involves sending a GET request with the workspace ID as a path parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized to access the particular workspace. The successful response includes a list of all chats associated with the workspace.

Adding an Agent to Workspace

This section explains how to add an agent to a specific workspace using the add agent endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The add agent to workspace endpoint is located at /workspace/<workspace_id>/agent and processes POST requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication, the workspace ID as a path parameter, and JSON data containing the agent ID.

POST /workspace/<workspace_id>/agent

Path Parameters

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace to which the agent is being added.

Payload Requirements

The request payload must be in JSON format and include the following field:

  • agent_id: The unique identifier of the agent to be added to the workspace.

Request Example

Here is an example of a JSON payload to add an agent to a workspace:

    "agent_id": "12345"

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Missing JSON in Request or Missing agent_id: If the request does not contain JSON data or if agent_id is missing:

       "msg": "Missing JSON in request"
    // or
        "msg": "Missing agent_id parameter"

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the provided workspace_id:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  3. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the workspace:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the workspace"}

    Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  4. Update Failure: If there is an issue while updating the workspace:

    {"msg": "Internal server error or specific error message"}

    Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Upon successful addition of the agent to the workspace, the endpoint will return:

{"msg": "Agent added to Workspace."}

Status Code: 200 OK


Adding an agent to a workspace involves sending a POST request with the agent ID in JSON format and the workspace ID as a path parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the workspace. The successful response confirms the addition of the agent to the workspace.

Removing an Agent from Workspace

This section describes the process of removing an agent from a specific workspace using the remove agent endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The remove agent from workspace endpoint is found at /workspace/<workspace_id>/agent and accepts DELETE requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication, the workspace ID as a path parameter, and JSON data containing the agent ID.

DELETE /workspace/<workspace_id>/agent

Path Parameters

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace from which the agent is being removed.

Payload Requirements

The request payload must be in JSON format and include the following field:

  • agent_id: The unique identifier of the agent to be removed from the workspace.

Request Example

Here is an example of a JSON payload to remove an agent from a workspace:

    "agent_id": "12345"

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Missing JSON in Request or Missing agent_id: If the request does not contain JSON data or if agent_id is missing:

       "msg": "Missing JSON in request"
    // or
        "msg": "Missing agent_id parameter"

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the provided workspace_id:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  3. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the workspace:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the workspace"}

    Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  4. Update Failure: If there is an issue while updating the workspace:

    {"msg": "Internal server error or specific error message"}

    Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Upon successful removal of the agent from the workspace, the endpoint will return:

{"msg": "Agent removed"}

Status Code: 200 OK


Removing an agent from a workspace involves sending a DELETE request with the agent ID in JSON format and the workspace ID as a path parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the workspace. The successful response confirms the removal of the agent from the workspace.

Renaming a Workspace

This section details the process for renaming a workspace using the rename workspace endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The rename workspace endpoint is located at /workspace/<workspace_id>/rename and handles PUT requests. It requires a JWT token for authentication, the workspace ID as a path parameter, and JSON data containing the new workspace name.

PUT /workspace/<workspace_id>/rename

Path Parameters

  • workspace_id: The unique identifier of the workspace to be renamed.

Payload Requirements

The request payload must be in JSON format and include the following field:

  • name: The new name for the workspace.

Request Example

Here is an example of a JSON payload to rename a workspace:

    "name": "New Workspace Name"

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in specific scenarios:

  1. Missing JSON in Request or Missing Name: If the request does not contain JSON data or if name is missing:

       "msg": "Missing JSON in request"
    // or
        "msg": "Missing name parameter"

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Workspace Not Found: If no workspace is found with the provided workspace_id:

    {"msg": "Workspace not found"}

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  3. Unauthorized User: If the user is not the owner of the workspace:

    {"msg": "User is not the owner of the workspace"}

    Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  4. Update Failure: If there is an issue while updating the workspace:

    {"msg": "Internal server error or specific error message"}

    Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Upon successful renaming of the workspace, the endpoint will return:

{"msg": "Workspace renamed"}

Status Code: 200 OK


Renaming a workspace involves sending a PUT request with the new name in JSON format and the workspace ID as a path parameter. The user must be authenticated and authorized as the owner of the workspace. The successful response confirms the renaming of the workspace.

Agent Package Download

This section details the process for downloading an agent package using the agent download endpoint.

Endpoint Overview

The agent package download endpoint is located at /agent/download and is designed to handle GET requests. It requires query parameters for specifying the package name and version.

GET /agent/download

Query Parameters

The endpoint expects the following query parameters:

  • query: The name of the package to download.

  • version: The specific version of the package to download. If omitted, the latest version is downloaded.

Request Example

Below is an example of a request to download a specific version of an agent package:

GET /agent/download?query=agentName&version=1.2.3

Error Handling

The endpoint may return error responses in the following scenarios:

  1. Missing Package Name: If the query parameter is missing:

    {"error": "Missing param 'query'"}

    Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  2. Package Not Found: If no package is found with the specified name and version:

    "Package not found: agentName:1.2.3"

    Status Code: 404 Not Found

  3. Download Failure: If there is a failure in downloading the package:

    "Failed to download package: agentName:1.2.3, [Error Details]"

    Status Code: Corresponding HTTP status code

Success Response

Upon successful download of the package, the endpoint will return:

"Successfully installed agentName:downloaded_version"

Status Code: 200 OK


Downloading an agent package involves sending a GET request with the required package name and version as query parameters. Appropriate error handling ensures smooth operation and informs the user of any issues encountered during the download process.

Ping Utility

This section describes the use of the ping utility endpoint, which is designed to check the responsiveness of the service.

Endpoint Overview

The ping utility endpoint is located at /ping and handles GET requests. It is used to verify that the service is operational.

GET /ping

Request Example

Here is an example of a request to the ping endpoint:

GET /ping

Success Response

The endpoint responds with a simple message to indicate that the service is operational:

{"msg": "pong"}

Status Code: 200 OK


The ping utility is a simple endpoint used to check the health and responsiveness of the service. A successful response indicates that the service is functioning correctly.