Contributing to Documentation


Contributions to the documentation are vital to ensuring that the information remains up-to-date, accurate, and helpful for users and developers. This section provides guidelines for contributing to our project’s documentation.

Getting Started

Before you start, ensure you’re familiar with our documentation structure and standards. Familiarize yourself with reStructuredText (.rst) format, as it is the primary format used in our documentation.

Writing Guidelines

  1. Clarity and Conciseness: Write in a clear and concise manner. Avoid jargon and complex language to ensure the documentation is accessible to users of all levels.

  2. Consistency: Follow the existing format, style, and tone of the documentation. This includes adhering to the structure of headings, code blocks, and naming conventions.

  3. Accuracy: Ensure all technical details are correct. Double-check command examples, URLs, and configuration settings.

  4. Relevance: Only include information that is relevant to the topic at hand. Avoid unnecessary details that may confuse the reader.

  5. Code Examples: Where applicable, include code examples. Ensure these examples are tested and functional.

Git Workflow Guidelines

  1. Create a Branch from `gh-pages`: - Start by creating a new branch from the gh-pages branch. This ensures that you are working with the latest version of the documentation. - Use a descriptive name for your branch that reflects the changes you are making.

  2. Write Documentation in reStructuredText Format: - Write your documentation using reStructuredText (.rst) format. Ensure it follows our writing guidelines mentioned earlier.

  3. Test Your Changes: - After writing or updating the documentation, test your changes locally by following these steps:

    For Windows:
    1. Run cleanup.bat to clean up any previous builds.

    2. Navigate to the docs directory with cd docs.

    3. Build the documentation using make html.

    4. Copy the built HTML files to the root directory using xcopy _build\html\* ..\ /E /I.

    5. Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the changes.

    For Mac/Unix:
    1. Run ./ to clean up any previous builds.

    2. Navigate to the docs directory.

    3. Build the documentation using make html.

    4. Copy the built HTML files to the root directory using $ cp -r _build/html/* ../.

    5. Open the index.html file in a web browser to view the changes.

    • Ensure that all changes render correctly and that there are no formatting errors.

  4. Create a Pull Request: - Once you have tested your changes, commit them to your branch. Push the branch to the repository and create a pull request against the gh-pages branch. - In your pull request description, provide a clear and comprehensive summary of the changes you have made.

Review Process

All documentation contributions undergo a review process. When you submit a change, it will be reviewed by a member of our team. Feedback or requests for changes should be addressed to allow updates to the documentation.


Submit your documentation changes via a pull request to the appropriate repository. Ensure you provide a clear and descriptive commit message that outlines the changes and the reasons for them.

Questions and Assistance

If you have questions or need help while contributing to the documentation, please reach out to our team through [discord?].